Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dogma 95 . . .

. . . is a style of movie making where the director chooses to use only the resources naturally available to tell their story. No artificial lighting, constructed sets, or tripods are allowed. This is to lend to a completely organic experience. With these stringent requirements, it's almost impossible to adhere to each demand so upon completion of a movie, the director has to write a letter and explain why their movie broke the rules.

It's with this I segue into the point of this post:

Saturday night, I ate four sausages. Three perogis. Three slices of bread. Some boiled potatoes. Sauerkraut. The richest yellow cake with chocolate fudge icing. And later that night, two Gatsby cocktails. (They had cucumber in them. How was I to resist?)

It was The Girlfriend's dad''s Birthday and I like the guy, so how could I not show up? It would also be rude to turn down a plate. To show how good the dinner was, I had no choice but to get a second helping of everything. Come on, cake?

Luckily, it didn't throw things off like I thought it would. There were no particularly strong cravings carrying on into the next day. And there wasn't any substantial weight gain. Sure it went up for a day, but I'm already back on course. So it's okay to fuck up. Just pick your occasion and pick wisely. If you keep coming up with an excuse to indulge, you're only undoing that which is a product of your own work.

213 as of this morning. See you at the pool in your t-shirt, fatty.

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